速報APP / 個人化 / Belle Launcher

Belle Launcher





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Cairo, Egypt

Belle Launcher(圖1)-速報App

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Finally you can have a launcher that gives you a chance to enjoy your beautiful wallpaper while having a quick access to your apps via Gestures, Apps Hub, Minimizable and Hidden widgets.

Main features:

A) Status, Task & Navigation bars

- Hide & show Status bar

- Hide & Show Homescreen Taskbar

- Set Taskbar color & transparency

- Hide & Show Homescreen Navigation bar

B) One Hand Mode

- 2 styles (Bottom-Centered - Bottom-Stretched)

- Apps menus are centered in the bottom half of the screen

- Swipe Right inside apps menus to toggle One Hand mode

- Open Apps Hub, Hidden apps , Recently Used & Installed apps via gestures.

C) Bing daily wallpaper

- Set Theme color (Taskbar, Folders & Widgets' windows) to adopt the wallpaper colors.

Belle Launcher(圖2)-速報App

D) Supports Portrait and Landscape mode.

- Widgets positions & sizes are preserved the way you set in both orientations.

E) Enhanced Widgets

- Minimize widgets Manually or Automatically

- Set Auto Minimize Widgets from [Settings - Widgets]

- Hide & Show all widgets using a gesture (Swipe Up with 2 fingers by default)

- Hide & Show all widgets via long tap on Apps Hub button.

F) Swipe Gestures

- Lock screen

- Open Apps Hub

- Open application

- Open apps folder

- Show recent screens

- Show Frequently used apps

- Show Newly Installed apps

- Show Recently used apps

- Open Notifications bar

- Open Quick Settings

- Toggle Homescreen

- And many more

G) Theming

Belle Launcher(圖3)-速報App

- Apps icons size

- Supports Icon Packs

- Number of apps per row

- Theme adopts wallpaper

- And many more

H) Under [Homescreen Apps Hub] you can access:

1- Newly installed apps.

2- Recently used apps.

3- Favorite apps / folders.

4- Hidden apps.

I) Homescreen

- Hide all Homescreen elements (Apps - Folders - Widgets) via

1- Long tap (Press & hold) over the Apps Hub icon (The center icon in the bottom Taskbar on the Homescreen)

2- A Gesture, the default gesture is a swipe up with 2 fingers.

Other options are available for you to check out under [Launcher Settings]


- Internet & access network: Needed by [Bing daily wallpaper] and widgets that require access to internet as [Weather widgets]

- Wallpaper: Needed by [Bing daily wallpaper]

- Accessibility service: Needed to perform open notification menu, recent screens

- Read internal storage: Needed if you set theme's color to adopt wallpaper.

This app uses the Device Administrator permission for optional screen off/lock functionality.

Belle Launcher(圖4)-速報App

If you turned on Device Administrator permission, make sure to turn it off before uninstalling Belle Launcher (Hopefully you won't uninstall it).

Belle Launcher(圖5)-速報App